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Kim Ennis was born in Saskatoon in 1956. Drawing and painting independently until 1980 he then became a protégé of the late W.H. Epp and worked mainly in bronze, stone and wood for the next two decades. In 2009 he completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) with Great Distinction at the University of Saskatchewan. He then completed a Special Case Master of Arts in Art History in 2012, with his thesis, The Numinous Land, on spiritual aspects of Saskatchewan painting. Mr. Ennis currently works in his home studio.


  • Boulders #35, 2008. Acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24 inches.
  • Currants, 2012. Acrylic on panel, 12 x 12 inches.
  • Means of Ascent, 2013. Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 24 inches.
    Means of Ascent
  • Slough, 2010. Acrylic on canvas, 11 x 17 3/4 inches.
  • Wheelbarrow, 2011. Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 26 inches.
  • The Point, 2010, Acrylic on canvas, 11 x 17 3/4 inches.
    The Point
  • River (Tapestry), 2008, Acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24 inches.
    River (Tapestry)
  • Boulders #32 (Stepping Stones), 2008, Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30 inches.
    Boulders #32
  • In the Garden, 2008, Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 inches.
    In the Garden
  • Boulders #29, 2007, Acrylic on canvas, 28 1/4 x 28 inches.
    Boulders #29
  • Boulders #47, 2009, Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 60 inches.
    Boulders #47


  • Embarkation, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Harbour, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Launch Site, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Launch Site
  • Messenger, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Mythical Heroes, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Mythical Heroes
  • Ships, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Shelter in a Storm, 2016. Acrylic and collage on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Shelter in a Storm
  • Rocket Launch, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 20 x 20 inches.
    Rocket Launch
  • Long-awaited Dawn, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Long-awaited Dawn
  • Dark Day, 2016. Acrylic and wood on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Dark Day
  • Approach to the Sacred Mountain, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Sacred Mountain
  • Night Lights, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Night Lights
  • Rising 2. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Rising 2
  • Night Season 2. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Night Season 2
  • Veil 2. Acrylic on panel, 19 x 19 inches.
    Veil 2
  • Way Station 2. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Way Station 2
  • Cosmic Journey, 2015. Acrylic on mat board, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.
    Cosmic Journey
  • Ecstatic Dance, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 14 x 14 inches.
    Ecstatic Dance
  • Magic is Alive, 2015. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 12 inches.
    Magic is Alive
  • Mandala of Bliss, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 14 x 14 inches.
    Mandala of Bliss
  • Mandala of Glory, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15inches.
    Mandala of Glory
  • Passing the Gate, 2016. Acrylic and graphite on panel, 14 x 14 inches.
    Passing the Gate
  • Subterranean Refuge with Satellite, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Angels, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Jacob's Dream, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 19 x 19 inches.
    Jacob's Dream
  • Matrix of Ascent, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 12 x 12 inches.
    Matrix of Ascent
  • Subterranean Refuge, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 12 x 12 inches.
  • Visionary, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 20 x 20 inches.
  • Proclamation, 2015. Acrylic on panel, 10 x 10 inches.
  • Wish, 2015. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Threshold, 2015. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
  • Distant Sail, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Distant Sail
  • Mandala of Radiance, 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inches.
    Mandala Radiance
  • Dawn Prayer, 2012, Acrylic and collage on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Dawn Prayer
  • Point of Departure, 2015. Acrylic and collage on panel, 12 x 12 inches.
    Point of Departure
  • Night and Day, 2015. Acrylic on panel, 12 x 12 inches.
    Night and Day
  • Horizon of Longing, 2015. Acrylic and collage on paper, 12 x 12 inches.
    Horizon of Longing
  • Horizon of Intent, 2015. Acrylic on panel, 15 x 15 inches.
    Horizon of Intent

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